9 Tips to Grow Black Hair Naturally


Women tend to like having long hair, especially those with afro/textured hair. It is such a challenge to achieve and very often, many black women end up disappointed by their hair growth journey.

Currently, hair fall is rising and might not affect women physically, it can affect them emotionally. If you are suffering from hair loss and want to grow natural hair, continue reading for tips on how to promote natural hair growth. It is a complete guide that one can add to their hair care routine to improve natural hair development. So, let’s dive into the topic.

9 Tips to Grow Black Hair Naturally

Growing natural hair may be a slow process that requires dedication and persistence. This is no quick fix or magic ingredient that will make your hair grow 6 inches in a week. However, it is possible to boost your hair growth once you follow our suggestions. This section will discuss the 9 most effective hair growth tips that will surely increase the length and health of your hair. It is a complete guide for those invested in the health and length of their hair. 

1 . Shampoo weekly

Cleaning hair requires using shampoo. We cannot recommend using shampoo more than once or twice per week. Frequent shampoo usage might cause damage and even dryness, depending on your hair type.

Choosing a shampoo that is gentle on the hair is ideal. When it comes to natural hair especially, it is best to choose one that contains natural oil extracts and ingredients that don’t completely strip the hair. Natural ingredients help moisturize, which is essential for hair health. A dry scalp that does not produce natural oils cannot help enhance hair length. Choose a moisturizing shampoo and add a bonus in your efforts to increase hair length.

2. Make Sure Your Hair Is Clean

 Although cleansing and shampooing tend to be the same, cleansers are used to make your hair soft and mild as these are sulfate-free.  People with dry or frizzy hair should start using a cleanser.

It is essential to have a clean scalp when struggling with natural hair growth. The fresh tresses and clear scalp help move the natural oils down to the shaft and ends of the hair, leading to hair growth. This is essential to your hair because oil and moisture are necessary for growing natural hair. Depending on your hair type, your hair may need to be washed once or twice per week.  People with looser curls might not need to wash as often as people with tighter curls.

Indeed, dirty hair does not lead to long hair. So, it is good to always keep your hair clean if you are serious about increasing its length. Clean hair leads to thick, healthy, strong, and beautiful hair.

3. Use a Deep Conditioner

 Deep conditioning is not new when adopting methods to grow natural hair. Deep conditioning the hair helps to make dry and dull hair look shiny and moisturized. You should not ignore it if you want to promote growth. It is a crucial step after applying shampoo that has many benefits for your natural hair. It prevents hair damage, promotes hair elasticity, strengthens hair, maintains pH balance in hair, prevents split ends, helps recover from damages caused by other hair care treatments, and many more.

Deep conditioning is essential to keeping the hair robust and healthy. Regular deep conditioning, specifically 2 or 3 times per month, is essential for hair growth. However, this number also depends on the type of hair.

4. Maintain a Vitamins and Minerals intake

 There are supplements in the market that offer vitamins and minerals to maintain their levels in the body. The essential vitamins and minerals required for hair growth are vitamin A, B, C, D, E, iron, protein, zinc, and biotin. Including these supplements in your diet helps to promote hair length, but you should do it with the advice of a doctor if you are already taking other medications. Different supplements are available in different shapes like, tablets, capsules, and chewables. 

5. Eat Foods that Promote Healthy Hair Growth

 Apart from supplements, food also contains vitamins and minerals that are essential for hair growth. If you don’t wish to take supplements, then having a diet that consist of the essential ingredients your hair needs is a great way to effectively boost hair growth.

Food items such as eggs contain protein and biotin which are essential elements for hair growth. The diets that include berries, sweet potatoes, nuts, seeds, spinach, and fatty fish contain essential vitamins and minerals that genuinely appear as reliable tools for natural hair growth. Take the time to plan a healthy diet that helps promote hair length.

6. Get Plenty of Rest

 Lack of sleep can have a serious impact on one’s health, and it also can determine the rate at which your hair may grow. Sleep deprivation can be caused by a number of factors, such as stress, anxiety and illness, but it is important that you consider this a factor in your hair growth journey.  Doctors always mention the deficits of sleep on health, but it might be surprising to know that lack of sleep also affects hair growth, and can sometimes lead to hair loss. Adequate sleep increases the production of melatonin, which is directly linked with the hair’s development. It is better to sleep and get rest from a hard day of labor and find time to sleep for a minimum of 6 hours a day.

7. Have a Relaxed Attitude to Stress

 Stress and hair loss often go hand in hand. People who give in to stress experience greater hair loss than those who choose to have a relaxed attitude when faced with stressful situations. It is good to manage your stress by following the correct method, such as, but not limited to, maintaining a proper diet and taking supplements. It is better to prevent stress since it might take months to recover from hair loss caused by stress. Having a healthy diet that consists of items like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can improve your attitude. It is always better to save yourself from the activities causing stress because it can lead to profound hair loss that prevents hair growth.

9. Avoid Washing Your Hair With (too) Hot Water

 When people often take hot baths, they tend to wash their hair with hot water. Some might even use hot water before styling their hair. This is not a good habit to practice as hot water can strip natural oils from the hair strands and dehydrate them. You might use hot water if your hair is too greasy, but it will also take away the essential oils from the scalp and hair along with buildup. Applying shampoo with hot water leads to a higher chance of hair loss and can also cause dandruff. It is recommended never to wash hair with overly hot water to prevent a hurdle in hair growth. Always wash your hair with lukewarm or cold water to retain moisture in your hair.

9. Soften Your Hair Cuticle with Olive or Coconut Oil to Bring out the Natural Shine of Your Hair

 Although there is no scientific proof that shows olive oil is effective in supporting hair growth, people who use it find a noticeable decrease in hair loss. Over time, it also protects the hair from damage.

Coconut oil is another widely used oil that contains fatty acids that help to nourish and moisturize the scalp. Like olive oil, people often use coconut oil to improve hair health and growth.

When you combine both the oils, you give your hair the best chance of thriving. These natural oils are effective in softening the hair cuticles. So, to make your hair grow long, bright, healthy, and shiny, it is best to mix these two natural oils and apply them on the scalp and along the hair shaft.